But where exactly does it belong there? And which part of the paper belongs where? It’s a rather superficial sorting that does facilitate a little bit of writing, but not that much. So, paper X with 3-50 pages belongs to the introduction, or to chapter 4. However, I would not recommend such a solution - it is far too unspecific. Mavericks (OS 10.9) supports tags, so does DEVONthink, and almost any reference manager. If you are just interested in classifying or tagging whole papers, you might do this far more easily by just taking the PDFs and add tags to them. The short answer to the question is: “Yes, but …”, so let’s have a look at the “but”s.įirst off, there are different ways to deal with papers, depending on what you actually want to do. The term “code” is a bit ambiguous, but if I understand the question as it was meant, the question is whether you can use CPN to collect notes and mark or tag papers where the information should end up (e.g., theory, results, discussion or chapter 1, chapter 2, etc.). The answer to this question warrants its own posting. I would like to code my paper regarding different topics, so afterward I can see which paper I can use for each topic. I am actually looking for a program to organize and to code my papers for my thesis. I got an interesting question regarding the use of Circus Ponies Notebook for thesis notes.